As we work to build a solid team of contractors, it’s important to interview more than one option to find the right fit for your agency. It can also be important to test a couple of different contractors with different clients and test their results against each other. If you simply go with your first choice for the contractor and never test others you will never know whether or not you got what you paid for and your clients got the results they deserve.
Are Your Contractors Flexible on Price?
Plus, once you determine the best contractor for you, you have a good baseline to judge your future work with them. Now smart agency owners don’t just stop there. As you work with a contractor over time you will bring on your first 5-10 clients. So it’s also important to ask your contractors if you bring on a certain amount of clients with whom they work with you on price?
It is smart to pay attention to what contractors do for your first clients. If they are able to meet or exceed your expectations you have a good contractor who is probably worth keeping around. If not, it’s time to start looking for someone new who can better serve your agency and your clients.
Contractors that Get Results for Your Clients
Also, when a contractor gets good results you should make note of how they set that particular client up. For instance, if they are ad clients, create a word doc / SOP for the process that the client went through. What was the targeting, the images, the copy, and how were the ads set up. Using contractors is a great opportunity to learn how things are properly done.
Plus if you can create an SOP on the setup process and understand what takes place from start to finish, you will never feel stranded if that contractor ever leaves. Or if you have to bring on a 2nd contractor because of agency growth you will have training ready for them..
Test the Work of Your Contractors
Remember, you are the agency owner. You are the one in charge of finding good talent. Make sure you interview more than one contractor, test their work, and get a feel for what they can do before you make a commitment. That way you can be sure you’re getting the best possible contractor for your agency and your clients.
And don’t stop there, learn, document, and apply to other contractors. Or you can even go the route of building an in-house team which many agency owners do eventually.